Giro d'Italia 1991 : the real numbers of doping

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Last update 14/09/2024 -


The table below establishes, team by team, the count of the riders who have been or will be subsequently "pinned" in doping cases.

Teams Riders Pinned Top 10 Pinned Podium Pinned
Gatorade 9 4 2 1 0 0
Amore & Vita 9 1 0 0 0 0
Banesto 9 4 0 0 0 0
Carrera 9 5 1 1 1 1
Castorama 9 4 0 0 0 0
Ariostea 9 5 1 0 1 0
Clas 9 2 0 0 0 0
Lampre 9 1 0 0 0 0
Del Tongo 9 4 2 1 1 0
Gis 9 1 0 0 0 0
Italbonifica 9 5 0 0 0 0
Jolly 9 1 0 0 0 0
Lotus 9 2 0 0 0 0
ONCE 9 2 2 1 0 0
Pony Malta 9 1 0 0 0 0
Selle Italia 9 1 1 0 0 0
Seur 9 3 0 0 0 0
TVM 9 2 0 0 0 0
ZG Mobili 9 5 0 0 0 0
Z 9 2 1 1 0 0
Total 180 55 10 5 3 1
Pourcentage 31% 50% 33%

Pinned: Number of riders who violated the anti-doping rules.
Included in this category: riders who have been tested positive (including refuse to submit to doping control or hematocrit> 50%), having acknowledged having doped, having been sanctioned (by the justice, their federation or their team).
Not included (for example) : those whose sample B was negative.
Top 10: number of riders present in the top 10 of the final general classification.
Podium: number of riders present in the first 3 of the final general classification.

Other data :

The official ranking

Ranking source : (11/11/2010)

  1. Chioccioli Franco in 99h35'43''
  2. Chiappucci Claudio at 0h03'48'' Red card 1993 : police investigation ; 1997 : blood test ; 1997 : blood test
  3. Lelli Massimiliano at 0h06'56''
  4. Bugno Gianni at 0h07'49'' Red card 1994 : positive control ; 1997 : judicial investigation (no penalty) ; 1999 : in the act
  5. Lejarreta Marino at 0h10'23'' Red card 1985 : positive control
  6. Boyer Eric at 0h11'09'' Yellow card 198x : confessions in 2005 (no penalty)
  7. Sierra Leonardo at 0h11'56''
  8. Giovannetti Marco at 0h13'09''
  9. Jaskula Zenon at 0h18'22'' Yellow card 1993 : confessions in 2007 (no penalty)
  10. Chozas Eduardo at 0h23'42''
  11. Pulnikov Vladimir at 0h24'36''
  12. Rodriguez Serna Nelson at 0h24'57''
  13. Echave Musatadi Federico Yellow card 1995 : positive control (sanction not known)
  14. Bernard Jean-françois at 0h29'32''
  15. Delgado Robledo Pedro at 0h30'03'' Yellow card 1988 : positive control (no penalty)
  16. Bortolami Gianluca at 0h34'32'' Red card 1998 : confessions (sanction not known) ; 1999 : judicial search (sanction not known) ; 2000 : blood test (sanction not known) ; 2003 : positive control
  17. Faresin Gianni at 0h35'44'' Red card 2000 : blood test
  18. Vona Franco at 0h40'05''
  19. Martinez Guttierez Juan-thomas at 0h43'47''
  20. Hernandez Calvo Santos at 0h43'49''
  21. Fuchs Fabian at 0h56'37''
  22. Della Santa Stefano at 1h02'12''
  23. Gaston Crespi Inaki at 1h04'15''
  24. Moro Michele at 1h07'34''
  25. Arroyo Rosales Miguel at 1h08'10''
  26. Hodge Stephen at 1h11'30'' Red card 1991 : confessions in 2012
  27. Giannelli Alessandro at 1h14'04''
  28. Bagot Jean-claude at 1h14'10''
  29. Arnould Dominique at 1h18'03''
  30. Kvalsvoll Atle at 1h18'42''
  31. Gusmeroli Roberto at 1h22'13''
  32. Pensec Ronan at 1h24'31''
  33. Arnaud Dominique at 1h27'05''
  34. Klimov Viktor at 1h31'37''
  35. Garcia Melia Federico at 1h31'50''
  36. Duclos-lassalle Gilbert at 1h33'36'' Yellow card 1989 : absence to control (no penalty)
  37. Vitali Marco at 1h33'56''
  38. Piovani Maurizio at 1h34'37''
  39. Pierdomenico Germano at 1h35'01''
  40. Gorospe Artabe Ruben at 1h35'35''
  41. Valbuena Roset Juan at 1h36'51''
  42. Conti Roberto at 1h39'46'' Red card 2002 : in the act
  43. Riis Bjarne at 1h39'58'' Red card 198x : confessions in 2010 (no penalty) ; 1993 : confessions in 2007 ; 1995 : police investigation (no penalty)
  44. Cuspoca Demetrio at 1h45'37''
  45. Zaina Enrico at 1h47'37''
  46. Carcano Sergio at 1h53'12''
  47. Tebaldi Valerio at 1h54'52''
  48. Szerszynski Marek at 1h58'43''
  49. Lemarchand François at 2h02'55''
  50. Lozano Moncada Alvaro at 2h05'34''
  51. Parra Richard Clay at 2h06'23''
  52. Podenzana Massimo at 2h07'25'' Red card 1986 : positive control
  53. Ramirez Rodrig. Duban-alberto at 2h08'15''
  54. Diaz De Otazu Luis-maria at 2h08'20''
  55. Urea José at 2h14'09'' Yellow card 1992 : positive control (sanction not known)
  56. Gorospe Artabe Julian at 2h14'11'' Red card 1984 : positive control
  57. Da Silva Acacio at 2h14'18'' Red card 1984 : positive control
  58. Diaz Zabala Pedro at 2h17'25''
  59. Sanabria Acevedo Angel-miguel at 2h18'08''
  60. Furlan Giorgio Yellow card 1999 : police investigation (sanction not known) ; 2000 : blood test (sanction not known)
  61. Gonzalez Arrieta José-ramon at 2h18'12''
  62. Lietti Marco at 2h19'22''
  63. Espinosa Sampere Francisco at 2h19'49''
  64. Leanizbarrutia Alberto at 2h21'19''
  65. Tolosa Calvo Rafael-antonio at 2h22'57''
  66. Suykerbuyk Luc at 2h23'20''
  67. Escartin Fernando at 2h24'43''
  68. Martinez Torres Miguel-angel at 2h25'36''
  69. Petito Giuseppe at 2h28'04''
  70. Leali Bruno at 2h28'19'' Red card 2010 : police investigation
  71. Anguita Hinojosa Eleuterio at 2h32'07''
  72. Bordonali Fabio at 2h35'53''
  73. Aldanondo Xabier at 2h37'11''
  74. Rouxel Jean-philippe at 2h40'07''
  75. Casado Philippe at 2h42'56''
  76. Kummer Mario at 2h45'20'' Yellow card 1995 : police investigation (no penalty)
  77. Magnago Walter at 2h50'37''
  78. Bramati Davide at 2h53'52''
  79. Roscioli Fabio at 2h54'09''
  80. Salas Edward at 2h54'18''
  81. Cortinovis Stefano at 2h54'41''
  82. Zoubov Andrei at 2h54'56''
  83. Meinert-nielsen Peter at 2h57'46'' Red card 1993 : positive control
  84. Perini Giancarlo at 2h59'19'' Yellow card 199x : judicial investigation (no penalty)
  85. Gelfi Luca at 2h59'20''
  86. Wyder Daniel at 3h00'42''
  87. Cenghialta Bruno at 3h00'53'' Yellow card 199x : judicial investigation (sanction not known)
  88. Garmendia Arbilla Aitor at 3h04'40'' Red card 1998 : blood test
  89. Durand Jacky at 3h05'17'' Red card 1996 : positive control ; 1996 : positive control ; 1998 : senate inquiry (no penalty)
  90. Barale Florido at 3h08'05''
  91. Lorenzon Silvano at 3h10'14''
  92. Vanzella Flavio at 3h10'36'' Red card 1986 : positive control
  93. Mantovan Mario at 3h11'30''
  94. Settembrini Fabrizio at 3h13'22'' Yellow card 2001 : police investigation (sanction not known)
  95. Botarelli Paolo at 3h14'27''
  96. Cesarini Francesco at 3h21'14''
  97. Petersen Brian at 3h26'59''
  98. Weltz Kenneth at 3h27'20''
  99. Cano Camacho Jose-ignacio at 3h27'42''
  100. Martinello Silvio at 3h29'11''
  101. Nicoletti Dario at 3h29'24''
  102. Galleschi Enrico at 3h30'06''
  103. Zanini Stefano at 3h30'53'' Red card 1998 : senate inquiry (no penalty) ; 2001 : in the act
  104. Scirea Mario at 3h34'02'' Red card 2004 : in the act
  105. Martinez Oliver Juan at 3h31'13''
  106. Schalkers Martin at 3h34'35''
  107. Pelliconi Roberto at 3h38'45''
  108. Moreda Garcia Tizon Casimiro at 3h40'25''
  109. Fidanza Giovanni
  110. Siemons Marc at 3h41'55''
  111. Perona Davide at 3h41'58''
  112. Harmeling Rob at 3h42'21''
  113. Rocchi Edoardo at 3h42'29''
  114. Botteon Luigi at 3h43'14''
  115. Abdoujaparov Djamolidine at 3h45'08'' Red card 1989 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control
  116. Calcaterra Giuseppe at 3h45'19'' Yellow card 1998 : senate inquiry (no penalty)
  117. Duch Ballestar Javier at 3h46'11''
  118. Bottaro Dario at 3h48'02''
  119. Fontanelli Fabiano at 3h50'02'' Red card 1996 : positive control ; 2001 : blood test
  120. Strazzer Giovanni at 3h54'13''
  121. Consonni Mauro at 3h54'32''
  122. Castro Daniele at 3h55'03''
  123. Cipollini Mario at 3h55'38'' Yellow card 1998 : senate inquiry (no penalty)
  124. Brandini Claudio at 3h58'04''
  125. Svorada Jan at 4h09'32''
  126. Molinari Maurizio at 4h14'21''
  127. Emonds Nikolaas at 4h18'28'' Red card 1990 : positive control ; 1995 : positive control
  128. Poli Eros at 4h20'05'' Red card 1986 : positive control
  129. Van Der Pas Jos at 4h23'36''
  130. Zanatta Stefano at 4h33'24''
  131. Allocchio Stefano at 4h39'38''
  132. Leoni Endrio at 4h43'02'' Red card 2001 : in the act ; 2002 : positive control

Red card reports a rider who was sanctioned in a doping case
Yellow card reports a rider pinned in our doping directory but who has not been sanctioned or whose we are not aware of the possible sanction

The alternative ranking

The ranking as it would be if we excluded all racers "pinned" in doping cases during their career.

  1. Chioccioli Franco
  2. Lelli Massimiliano
  3. Sierra Leonardo
  4. Giovannetti Marco
  5. Chozas Eduardo
  6. Pulnikov Vladimir
  7. Rodriguez Serna Nelson
  8. Bernard Jean-françois
  9. Vona Franco
  10. Martinez Guttierez Juan-thomas
  11. Hernandez Calvo Santos
  12. Fuchs Fabian
  13. Della Santa Stefano
  14. Gaston Crespi Inaki
  15. Moro Michele
  16. Arroyo Miguel
  17. Giannelli Alessandro
  18. Bagot Jean-claude
  19. Arnould Dominique
  20. Kvalsvoll Atle
  21. Gusmeroli Roberto
  22. Pensec Ronan
  23. Arnaud Dominique
  24. Klimov Viktor
  25. Garcia Melia Federico
  26. Vitali Marco
  27. Piovani Maurizio
  28. Pierdomenico Germano
  29. Gorospe Ruben
  30. Valbuena Roset Juan
  31. Cuspoca Demetrio
  32. Zaina Enrico
  33. Carcano Sergio
  34. Tebaldi Valerio
  35. Szerszynski Marek
  36. Lemarchand François
  37. Lozano Moncada Alvaro
  38. Parra Richard Clay
  39. Ramirez Rodrig. Duban-alberto
  40. Diaz De Otazu Luis-maria
  41. Diaz Zabala Pedro
  42. Sanabria Acevedo Angel-miguel
  43. Gonzalez Arrieta José-ramon
  44. Lietti Marco
  45. Espinosa Sampere Francisco
  46. Leanizbarrutia Alberto
  47. Tolosa Calvo Rafael-antonio
  48. Suykerbuyk Luc
  49. Escartin Fernando
  50. Martinez Torres Miguel-angel
  51. Petito Giuseppe
  52. Anguita Hinojosa Eleuterio
  53. Bordonali Fabio
  54. Aldanondo Xabier
  55. Rouxel Jean-philippe
  56. Casado Philippe
  57. Magnago Walter
  58. Bramati Davide
  59. Roscioli Fabio
  60. Salas Edward
  61. Cortinovis Stefano
  62. Zoubov Andrei
  63. Gelfi Luca
  64. Wyder Daniel
  65. Barale Florido
  66. Lorenzon Silvano
  67. Mantovan Mario
  68. Botarelli Paolo
  69. Cesarini Francesco
  70. Petersen Brian
  71. Weltz Kenneth
  72. Cano Camacho Jose-ignacio
  73. Martinello Silvio
  74. Nicoletti Dario
  75. Galleschi Enrico
  76. Martinez Oliver Juan
  77. Schalkers Martin
  78. Pelliconi Roberto
  79. Moreda Garcia Tizon Casimiro
  80. Fidanza Giovanni
  81. Siemons Marc
  82. Perona Davide
  83. Harmeling Rob
  84. Rocchi Edoardo
  85. Botteon Luigi
  86. Duch Ballestar Javier
  87. Bottaro Dario
  88. Strazzer Giovanni
  89. Consonni Mauro
  90. Castro Daniele
  91. Brandini Claudio
  92. Svorada Jan
  93. Molinari Maurizio
  94. Van Der Pas Jos
  95. Zanatta Stefano
  96. Allocchio Stefano

List of doping cases during the race

Rider Product Race Year Sanction Control
Citterio Giuseppe Tour d'Italie 1991 NSP* Contrôle positif

* Sanction not known

The list of participants

The list of participants by team


18 years of existence, 10 cases, ie 0,56 per year

1. Bugno Gianni Red card 1994 : positive control ; 1997 : judicial investigation (no penalty) ; 1999 : in the act
2. Zanatta Stefano
3. Kummer Mario Yellow card 1995 : police investigation (no penalty)
4. Gusmeroli Roberto
5. Calcaterra Giuseppe Yellow card 1998 : senate inquiry (no penalty)
6. Fidanza Giovanni
7. Tebaldi Valerio
8. Scirea Mario Red card 2004 : in the act
9. Giovannetti Marco

Amore & Vita

33 years of existence, 9 cases, ie 0,27 per year

11. Chiurato Andrea
12. Castro Daniele
13. Convalle Fabrizio Yellow card 1990 : confessions in 1996 (no penalty)
14. Della Santa Stefano
15. Barale Florido
16. Molinari Maurizio
17. Petersen Brian
18. Pelliconi Roberto
19. Salas Edward


45 years of existence, 29 cases, ie 0,64 per year

21. Delgado Robledo Pedro Yellow card 1988 : positive control (no penalty)
22. Fuchs Fabian
23. Arnaud Dominique
24. De Las Cuevas Armand Red card 1995 : border control ; 2006 : positive control
25. Gorospe Artabe Julian Red card 1984 : positive control
26. Gorospe Artabe Ruben
27. Garmendia Arbilla Aitor Red card 1998 : blood test
28. Martinez Oliver Juan
29. Bernard Jean-françois


21 years of existence, 11 cases, ie 0,52 per year

31. Chiappucci Claudio Red card 1993 : police investigation ; 1997 : blood test ; 1997 : blood test
32. Giupponi Flavio Red card 1988 : absence to control
33. Pulnikov Vladimir
34. Abdoujaparov Djamolidine Red card 1989 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control ; 1997 : positive control
35. Sciandri Maximilian Yellow card 2001 : police investigation (sanction not known)
36. Ghirotto Massimo
37. Perini Giancarlo Yellow card 199x : judicial investigation (no penalty)
38. Giannelli Alessandro
39. Zaina Enrico


24 years of existence, 22 cases, ie 0,92 per year

41. Fignon Laurent Red card 1984 : confessions in 2009 (no penalty) ; 1987 : positive control ; 1987 : confessions in 2009 (no penalty) ; 1989 : positive control ; 198x : confessions in 2009 (no penalty)
42. Arnould Dominique
43. Bagot Jean-claude
44. Durand Jacky Red card 1996 : positive control ; 1996 : positive control ; 1998 : senate inquiry (no penalty)
45. Garde Dominique
46. Riis Bjarne Red card 198x : confessions in 2010 (no penalty) ; 1993 : confessions in 2007 ; 1995 : police investigation (no penalty)
47. Rouxel Jean-philippe
48. Thueux Didier Red card 1990 : judicial investigation
49. Vichot Frederic


10 years of existence, 2 cases, ie 0,2 per year

51. Baffi Adriano
52. Cassani Davide
53. Conti Roberto Red card 2002 : in the act
54. Furlan Giorgio Yellow card 1999 : police investigation (sanction not known) ; 2000 : blood test (sanction not known)
55. Ghiotto Federico Red card 1990 : positive control ; 1993 : positive control
56. Cenghialta Bruno Yellow card 199x : judicial investigation (sanction not known)
57. Lelli Massimiliano
58. Lietti Marco
59. Sorensen Rolf Yellow card 199x : confessions in 2013 (no penalty) ; 1993 : judicial investigation (no penalty)


6 years of existence, 2 cases, ie 0,33 per year

61. Echave Musatadi Federico Yellow card 1995 : positive control (sanction not known)
62. Emonds Nikolaas Red card 1990 : positive control ; 1995 : positive control
63. Espinosa Sampere Francisco
64. Moreda Garcia Tizon Casimiro
65. Camarillo Angel
66. Duch Ballestar Javier
67. Escartin Fernando
68. Leanizbarrutia Alberto
69. Gaston Crespi Inaki


7 years of existence, 0 cases, ie 0 per year

71. Botteon Luigi
72. Bortolami Gianluca Red card 1998 : confessions (sanction not known) ; 1999 : judicial search (sanction not known) ; 2000 : blood test (sanction not known) ; 2003 : positive control
73. Bramati Davide
74. Cortinovis Stefano
75. Nicoletti Dario
76. Piovani Maurizio
77. Pellicioli Oscar
78. Svorada Jan
79. Szerszynski Marek

Del Tongo

10 years of existence, 3 cases, ie 0,3 per year

81. Ballerini Franco Red card 1994 : positive control (no penalty) ; 1996 : positive control
82. Baldato Fabio
83. Cesarini Francesco
84. Chioccioli Franco
85. Cipollini Mario Yellow card 1998 : senate inquiry (no penalty)
86. Gelfi Luca
87. Jaskula Zenon Yellow card 1993 : confessions in 2007 (no penalty)
88. Poli Eros Red card 1986 : positive control
89. Roscioli Fabio


15 years of existence, 20 cases, ie 1,33 per year

91. Vandelli Maurizio
92. Petito Giuseppe
93. Martinello Silvio
94. Leali Bruno Red card 2010 : police investigation
95. Galleschi Enrico
96. Magnago Walter
97. Bordonali Fabio
98. Bottaro Dario
99. Pierdomenico Germano


43 years of existence, 17 cases, ie 0,4 per year

101. Allocchio Stefano
102. Moro Michele
103. Podenzana Massimo Red card 1986 : positive control
104. Coppolillo Michele Yellow card 1999 : positive control (no penalty)
105. Fontanelli Fabiano Red card 1996 : positive control ; 2001 : blood test
106. Carcano Sergio
107. Zanini Stefano Red card 1998 : senate inquiry (no penalty) ; 2001 : in the act
108. Settembrini Fabrizio Yellow card 2001 : police investigation (sanction not known)
109. Dazzani William


27 years of existence, 13 cases, ie 0,48 per year

111. Steiger Daniel
112. Botarelli Paolo
113. Giuliani Stefano
114. Leoni Endrio Red card 2001 : in the act ; 2002 : positive control
115. Rocchi Edoardo
116. Brandini Claudio
117. Strazzer Giovanni
118. Vitali Marco
119. Vona Franco


12 years of existence, 31 cases, ie 2,58 per year

121. Pagnin Roberto
122. Da Silva Acacio Red card 1984 : positive control
123. Martinez Guttierez Juan-thomas
124. Hermans Mathieu Yellow card 1989 : confessions in 2009 (no penalty)
125. Suykerbuyk Luc
126. Valbuena Roset Juan
127. Gonzalez Arrieta José-ramon
128. Chabalkine Vadim
129. Zoubov Andrei


18 years of existence, 20 cases, ie 1,11 per year

131. Hodge Stephen Red card 1991 : confessions in 2012
132. Martinez Torres Miguel-angel
133. Lejarreta Marino Red card 1985 : positive control
134. Chozas Eduardo
135. Weltz Kenneth
136. Diaz Zabala Pedro
137. Aldanondo Xabier
138. Diaz De Otazu Luis-maria
139. Hernandez Calvo Santos

Pony Malta

5 years of existence, 3 cases, ie 0,6 per year

141. Wilches Tumbia Pablo Yellow card 1991 : positive control (sanction not known) ; 1991 : positive control (sanction not known)
142. Ramirez Rodrig. Duban-alberto
143. Sanabria Acevedo Angel-miguel
144. Cuspoca Demetrio
145. Rodriguez Serna Nelson
146. Lozano Moncada Alvaro
147. Marino Reyes Edilberto Marino
148. Arias Acosta Juan-carlos
149. Tolosa Calvo Rafael-antonio

Selle Italia

2 years of existence, 0 cases, ie 0 per year

151. Sierra Leonardo
152. Tafi Andrea Yellow card 1998 : senate inquiry (no penalty)
153. Vairetti Raimondo
154. Wyder Daniel
155. Wohlfahrter Arno
156. Caruso Roberto
157. Parra Richard Clay
158. Michelucci Andrea
159. Demitri Andrea


24 years of existence, 6 cases, ie 0,25 per year

161. Pensec Ronan
162. Klimov Viktor
163. Recio José Red card 1985 : positive control (no penalty) ; 1988 : positive control ; 1991 : positive control (sanction not known)
164. Cano Camacho Jose-ignacio
165. Anguita Hinojosa Eleuterio
166. Garcia Melia Federico
167. De La Cruz Roque Yellow card 1988 : positive control (sanction not known)
168. Sanchis Tormo Jose-salvador
169. Urea José Yellow card 1992 : positive control (sanction not known)


25 years of existence, 33 cases, ie 1,32 per year

171. Van Der Pas Jos
172. Capiot Johan
173. Kuum Janus
174. Muller Jorg Yellow card 1987 : confessions in 2007 (sanction not known) ; 1988 : journalistic investigation (no penalty)
175. Siemons Marc
176. Schalkers Martin
177. Meinert-nielsen Peter Red card 1993 : positive control
178. Harmeling Rob
179. Sunderland Scott

ZG Mobili

16 years of existence, 2 cases, ie 0,13 per year

181. Colage Stefano Red card 2021 : positive control
182. Citterio Giuseppe Yellow card 1991 : positive control (sanction not known)
183. Consonni Mauro
184. Faresin Gianni Red card 2000 : blood test
185. Lorenzon Silvano
186. Pierobon Gianluca Yellow card 1997 : absence to control (no penalty)
187. Perona Davide
188. Mantovan Mario
189. Vanzella Flavio Red card 1986 : positive control


67 years of existence, 75 cases, ie 1,12 per year

191. Lemond Greg
192. Boyer Eric Yellow card 198x : confessions in 2005 (no penalty)
193. Capelle Christophe
194. Casado Philippe
195. Kvalsvoll Atle
196. Arroyo Rosales Miguel
197. Duclos-lassalle Gilbert Yellow card 1989 : absence to control (no penalty)
198. Lemarchand François
199. Forest Robert

Red card reports a rider who was sanctioned in a doping case
Yellow card reports a rider pinned in our doping directory but who has not been sanctioned or whose we are not aware of the possible sanction

See also